I just had to share this picture and story! My little boy is one thing for sure...he is ALL BOY! He is rough, tough, and you better watch out because he is always into something. Last weekend my friend Ashley came over so we could take a few more pictures of her little girl (I will post some of those later). Keep in mind that Oakley is now 18 months old and Kaylee is only 6 months old. We had Kaylee all laid out on the backdrop posing and smiling like crazy when all of the sudden, out of the blue here comes Oakley full speed ahead, running as fast as his little legs could, pulling his lawn mower behind him. Just to be clear it was one of those bubble mowers. Needless to say nothing was getting in his way, even poor little Kaylee. Next thing we know he had ran right over the top of her, lawnmower and all! I panic, rush to grab Kaylee up expecting her to be screaming for her dear life, but nothing...it didn't even faze that tough little girl! The funny thing is my sister had my camera and caught the "just after" moment. Ashley, I do apologize for my rough and tough little boy and I am glad you have one tough little girl! I am sure she will pay him back one day!
Homemade Marshmallows {2018 update}
6 years ago