I know I have already said this once, but I truly can't believe that I have a SIX year old!!! A six year old going on sixteen! Oh my, what else can I say except she reminds me so much of myself as a little girl. Here are a few things that I want to remember about her at this moment in time:
~Avery is the most tenderhearted person I know and she has been since she was a baby. She wears her feelings on her sleeve and tears always start to fall when she is upset, worried, has disobeyed, is sad, or concerned.~She is also a very compassionate person. It amazes me that at age 6 she has the compassion for people like she does.
~She makes sure to tell me everyday that I am the "best Mommy in the world." She also makes it a point to tell Jason that he is the "best Daddy in the world" everyday, as well.
~Her laughter is contagious and one of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard!
~She is such a little Mommy which makes her an awesome big sister!! She is always ready to help take care of Oakley or Lakelyn.
~Avery and Oakley are BEST friends...not to say that they don't have those wonderful sibling arguments, but they really do play great together most of the time. I pray that they always stay close.
~She has decided that she loves Justin Bieber even though I am pretty sure it is only because a little girl in her class told her who he was and said that he was cute.
~She comes home from school everyday with notes and hand drawn pictures in her backpack from a couple of little boys in her class. They usually always have "I Love Avery" written across them. I don't know what we are going to do when she gets older!!
~She is so athletic and loves every sport she tries. Right now she is busy with gymnastics and cheerleading, she just finished up basketball and softball is right around the corner. She also loves to dance and sing any chance she gets!
~She LOVES school and is doing an amazing job reading. It is so awesome to watch her grow and learn. It seems like everyday she comes home with something new. She couldn't wait until she could start Kindergarten and now she is counting down the days until she is in first grade!
~She loves for me to paint her fingernails and toenails. She also loves for me to french braid her hair or put it in two buns on either side of her head, but she really likes it when I let her fix it herself! She was so proud when she learned to put her hair in a ponytail by herself. (She also likes to play with my hair and I LOVE that!)
~Avery is VERY independent! Even as a baby you could tell that she was going to be Miss Independent...I don't expect that to ever change and I am grateful for that. I pray that she will always stand up for what she believes in and hold strong to her faith and beliefs.
~Avery also loves God with all her heart and I am so thankful for that. If I teach her nothing else in this life I hope that she will hold fast to that and cling to God's love always!! The other night Jason was putting her to bed and he told her he loved her more than anything in the world and she said "but you love God more because you are suppose to love Him more than anything else." When Jason told me she said that I am pretty sure my heart melted right there...those are some pretty wise words coming from just a little girl!
~She is a perfect combination of a girly girl and country girl. She will run barefoot through the fields, picking up bugs and frogs all the while with her purse on her shoulder and lipstick on her lips. :)
I am so madly in love with my Avery Elizabeth I cannot even tell you. So without further ado, here are her 6 year old pictures I took.