Saturday, May 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Daniel!

My little brother turned 23 this past week! I can't believe it, it seems like I should still be 23. Daniel, or Uncle Goose as the kiddo's call him, came and stayed the day with us on Friday. He entertained Avery and Oaks all day so that I could work. They had a blast...Uncle Goose is the BEST!

33 Miles & Fee

I have been to many concerts in my life, but Friday night I went to my very first Christian Rock Concert and it was AWESOME! My good friend Gino had an extra ticket to see 33 Miles and Fee and invited me to go...Thanks a bunch Gino! We had such a good time! Anytime you ever do anything with Gino you know you are going to have a blast and laugh A LOT!!! Below is a picture of us after our Sushi dinner and heading to the concert.

The concert took me back to my day's at Centrifuge (for those of you who don't know, Cenrifuge is a church camp I would go to in the summer.) There you are in a big auditorium pack full of people doing nothing but worshiping our Father. What an amazing feeling. It is like you can literally feel the love of God just pouring out. People dancing, hands and hearts raised to God, heads bowed in prayer, voices lifted up praising our Holy Father. You feel like no one can touch you, harm you, and the ways of this world are just and afterthought. It's truly an unbelievable feeling.

So today as I am driving down the road, still on a high from last night, and looking back over my life...all the sudden I see it. See what, you ask. I see the path that I have taken to become the person I am so far, I see the path that I have taken to bring me closer to our Father. All those moments that I didn't understand why I had to go through, were now like a perfectly mapped out road trip. Every bump, every hurtle, every joy, every sorrow, every single moment had a reason. WOW! Not that I didn't know that God had a plan for me before (and still know his plan is not complete) but I had just never looked back and thanked God for every moment and every person in my life. People that at the time, I could not ever fathom why my path had brought me to them. Ever wonder that yourself? Without those moments and people I would not have the relationship with God that I do today.

I just finished up a Beth Moore bible study, and by the way if you ever get a chance to do one of her studies, DO IT! In one part of the study we talked about that pivotal moment where we are headed in one direction and God picks us up and turns us in another...we may not like it at the time, but when we look back we can see that was the moment He changed us. At the time of the study I could not pin point that moment in my life, I though maybe it hadn't happened yet. The thing is, it is not just one moment or at least not for me, it is many moments. Many times He has picked me up and put me back on track, many times I have been heading down a dead end road and He turned me around. Isn't that just amazing? How every little detail He has already worked out, how He does have a plan for me and you, how He does whatever he can to bring us closer to Him.

Lord, as I write this to night, I pray for those that are heading down a path in their life and don't known why. I pray that you will pick them up and put them on the right track to you and I pray that one day they too will look back and Thank You for your will and your way. Thank you for showing me the right direction even if there were many bumps in the road along the way. And Father God, I also know that my journey is not complete and I trust with all my heart that I will look back one day and have many more pivotal points in my life where you have picked me up and set me on another path. I pray for those that are reading this that do not know you, I pray that they too will one day open their hearts and mind to your love and know that you can handle anything and take care of anything that they might be going through. In your most precious name, Amen.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Have you ever seen the rain, comin' down a sunny day"

After a long weekend at the creek we came home and started to unpack. As we were in the middle of carrying thing in and putting stuff away it started raining. It was one of those beautiful rains with the sun shining the entire time. Next thing I know Avery has on her bathing suit, Oaks has Avery's bicycle helmet on and they are running up and down the sidewalk screaming and laughing in the rain. It was so cute and they were having so much fun. Then we saw the most beautiful rainbow! What a perfect and beautiful afternoon watching the kids play with God's promise in the sky above. Amazing!

Memorial Day Weekend

Every year for Memorial Day Weekend we go to my parents farm and go camping at the creek with a bunch of old friends. It is probably one of my favorite weekends of the year and has been since I can remember. When I was little I couldn't even sleep the Thursday night before because I was so excited. Now Avery is the same way. It all started as a tradition many year's ago with my parents and all of their good friends. Now, more than 30 year's later, they are still getting together and camping for the 3 days. Most of the people that come I grew up with. Most live out of town and this is one of the few times we all get together through out the year. I love these people like family! The bond we have is one that cannot be broken! Forever a Roundstoner!!

Oakley snacking

Avery after playing in the rain and mud

Avery, Skyler, Allie and Easton hanging out in the tent

Avery and Papa playing in the creek

Sitting on the creek bank

Sarah and Maya - And we are so excited that Maya is going to be a BIG SISTER!!!


Just thought I would share a few pictures of the kiddo's from an afternoon at the ballpark.

Mother's Day Weekend

I hope all you Mom's out there had a GREAT Mother's Day. Mine was wonderful. My Mamaw lives about two hours away from us so I really don't get to see her or that side of my family very often. So we made the trek to Todd County on Saturday to stay the night at my Mamaw's, go to church with her on Sunday and go to a cookout at my Uncle Boogie's that afternoon. It was great to see all my family and the kids had a blast. They love going to Mamaw's to play with all of their cousins. My family is pretty big and their are a ton of kids for Avery and Oakley to run around with. Needless to say it was hard to get them to leave that day!

So to my wonderful Mom, Mamaw, Granny, Mother In-law, Jason's Grandma and Mamaw -Happy Mother's Day! You all have been amazing mothers and grandmothers! Because of you, Jason and I are the parents we are today. We learned from the best, we thank you and we love you!

To all my wonderful Mommy friend's out there,keep up the good work! You are wonderful and your children are blessed to have you as their Mom.

All the kid's juming on the trampoline with Mandy at Uncle Boogies

My Beautiful Mamaw!!

Oaks on the swings

Avery, Callie, and Bri

Jeff and Mandy's handsome little man and the newest addition to our family.

Oaks and Paige

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Derby Day

I hope everyone had a great Derby Day! We had a few people over to grill out and watch the races. It was a good time with good friends. There were a ton of kids here and Avery and Oakley had a blast. Avery could not wait for everyone to arrive that afternoon. All morning she kept asking, "Mommy, when are all my friends going to be here?" It was great to get to visit with everyone!

Beautiful little Maya! She loves to play with Oaks, but he just doesn't get that yet! :) She kept pulling on his shirt to get him to come with her and he would just scream...I am sure that will not last forever!

Miss Maya's crazy Daddy and one of my oldest friends. What a camera hog, he is known for jumping in front of pictures...but you got to love him.

The 3 Musketeer's - Brody, Avery, and Easton making faces at me.

Oaks on his 4-wheeler. He was yelling "Peace" at me in this picture. That is his new favorite word. He usually holds up all five fingers when he says it since he hasn't quite figured out how to only hold up two.

My two best friends that NEVER let me in a picture with them! haha! They are two beautiful people and I love them even in spite of this one little flaw. I mean who wouldn't want to be in a picture with me! I just don't get it! ;)

The Best Daddy Ever

One of the things that I am most thankful for is that God brought Jason into my life. When I fist met him I always new he would be a wonderful husband and father, but he has far surpassed what I could have ever imagined. He always makes sure to make time for the kids, he gives them tons of hugs and kisses, and makes sure to tell them he loves them every chance he gets. He is so loving and fun and there is nothing like watching him with Avery and Oakley. I could just sit and watch them wrestle in the floor for hours (I really do not know how he has all the energy he does.) The other night I captured one of my most favorite moments and wanted to share it with you...Daddy reading to his two beautiful children. I cannot even explain the joy and love I feel in moments like this. My cup runneth over!

Monday, May 4, 2009

You're never going to believe it...

I cut my hair! Not just a trim, I cut it in a bob and I LOVE far! Those of you who have know me for years know that I have NEVER had my hair this short. It took a lot of guts, but it was time for a change. The lady who does my hair was shocked when I told her what I wanted done, but we did it and it turned out great. I think I actually might go a little shorter when I go back...we will see. These are not the best pictures I have ever taken but here are a few before and after...

I normally wear it straight but I had curled it that morning before church...needing something different

Opening Ceremonies

Avery's softball season started last weekend. Friday night we had opening ceremonies and then they played in a tournament all weekend. After the opening ceremonies were over we ran to McD's to get something to eat before her game at 8:00. While we are at "Old McDonald's" (as Avery calls it) we noticed she was not feeling well. When I leaned over to feel her forehead she was burning up. Poor thing had a fever and was sick as could be. So needless to say she missed her first softball game, but by the next morning she was fine. We took her to the game and Saturday and she got to play, but did not get a hit. (They actually pitch to the girls - they get five pitches or 3 strikes - which ever comes first.) Sunday, Avery got a hit and although they tagged her out running to first she ran all the way to 2nd and was so proud of herself. So were Jason and I!! Most of the six year old's on her team have a hard time hitting the ball - we're pretty sure she is going to be a natural! :) After that it was all she wrote - all she talks about is going to play softball and hitting that ball real hard! Here are a few pics of Avery in her uniform, playing ball, and her cute little brother at the ball park!

Avery in her uniform...isn't it too cute!

Play Ball Avery!

A long hot day at the ballpark...we actully got a little sunburned!

Oaks after a blue popsicle