Thursday, February 11, 2010

Baby Update!

Today I am 18 weeks and I had my monthly doctor's appointment this afternoon. Everything looks great and I gained 3 more pounds this month. I honestly felt like I had gained more than that with the way my belly has started poking out these last couple of weeks. I swear it happen over night!! It was like I woke up one morning and BAM...there was a baby bump! I am at the very awkward stage of being too small for maternity clothes but having all my regular clothes feeling pretty snug. The same awkward stage of...if you didn't know I was pregnant you would think I have been eating way too many slices of chocolate cake! Thankfully that is not the case and in fact sweets don't even sound good. I mostly crave fresh fruit...I honestly cannot get enough of it. For the most part I do still fit into all my clothes but I do have one pair of pants that I am rubber banding to keep closed! I don't know who ever though of that but, it is pure genius!!

The most exciting part of this past month has been feeling the baby move! It is such a wonderful feeling and it is one of the many things that I just LOVE about being pregnant. It is also such a relief to have "little bit" flipping around reminding me that he/she is there. Hopefully, Jason and the kiddo's will be able to feel it soon too.

I also got to schedule my ultrasound today! In a week and a half we will get to see this little beauty on the big screen...but for those of you wanting to know if it is a boy or girl you will just have to continue to wait until July. We have decided not to find out again...we didn't find out with the other two so why start now! Besides, it is such a fun surprise! Although, I will say that I am VERY curious this time around. ;) Guess we will just have to depend on the good old pencil test until July!

So, as promised here is a picture of my 18 week belly bump! :)

More Snow!

A few weekends ago we went over to our neighbors to go sledding. They have a huge hill on their farm that is perfect when it snows. However, it really wasn't very good snow for sledding, but the kids had a blast being pulled behind the four wheelers. Oaks was not a big fan of the cold (and let me tell you it was really cold) so he and I spent most of the time sitting in the warm truck!

Avery, Easton, Allie and Levi tubing

The crazy boys playing in the snow! That is a little too extreme for me!

Avery and Allie after being pulled behind the four wheeler...poor Allie couldn't see a thing!

Jason pulling Avery and Allie

Timmy tyring to get the kiddo's up the hill!

Avery's Portrait of Mommy

Avery got a new easel for Christmas that she loves!! She is constantly painting or drawing pictures. A few mornings ago Avery had been drawing on the dry erase board. As soon as Avery saw me she said, "Mommy, look at the picture I drew of you." Well, let me tell you...when I saw it all I could do it laugh! It was so cute that I had to take a picture of it to post on here. I hope you get as big of a kick out of it as I did!