Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lakelyn at Five Months

Just a quick update on Lakelyn at five months old! (Yes, I realize that she turned 6 months old last week...that update is coming soon!)
~She got her first tooth right after she turned four months and then the second bottom tooth right at five months. She was not a happy camper when those suckers were coming through.
~She started to sit for a few moments at a time at five months.
~She is so chunky and weighed around 18 pounds!
~She looked at Jason, smiled real big and said "da"...but I am pretty sure it was just a burp or something...we all know she is going to say mama first right? ;)
~Jason smiled for days after that...he really knows how to rub that kind of thing in. HAHA!
~She LOVES her bath FINALLY!!!
~Her jumparoo is her favorite toy
~She has been sleeping pretty much through the night, which is very if we could just get Oakley to do that!
~She is laughing out loud more and more, but she is pretty serious most of the time. It is honestly like an act of congress to get her to laugh.
~She LOVES to be around her big sister and big must be too quite for her when they are not around! :)


Jules said...

Little Miss Lakelyn is getting so big!!! :-) I think she looks like Oakley in this one!! :-)

Lisa said...

Okay, so this is one of my favorite pictures yet. I love the look on her face. And your Christmas tree lights in the background are awesome in the picture.