Sunday, April 22, 2012

Spring Break

Sometimes I truly wonder why I didn't pick a career where I could work in the school systems. Oh how I envy those who do and get to spend the breaks with their children! Even though I did got get to take off all of spring break I did take a few days and we made the most of it! We pretty much spent four days being lazy and having lots of family time!  On Thursday, we met up some friends at the creek to relax and enjoy the sun! It was so nice to catch up and the kiddo's had a blast together!


On Friday, Jason and I took the kids to the zoo.  It was Lakelyn's first time and she loved it!!
Oaks' most favorite animal EVER! And the only picture I took of one of my kids at the zoo, but I got lots of the animals!


Our tadpoles grew back legs!

Then on Saturday and Sunday we spent the day in the back yard or at the river.  It was such a beautiful four days!
Avery's attempt at building a ramp!

Don't ever touch one of these bad boys!!  We have a ton of them down by the river and they burn like fire if they touch your skin!

 We finally moved the picnic tables down to the river!  Thank you so much Grandma & Grandpa!  It's so nice to have seating down there.

Nothing like spending an afternoon throwing sticks into the river!

Even on the river we cheer for our CATS!  Thanks to my brother, we put this flag up so you could see our take-out spot.  Prior to our flag, he and some friends passed our farm and it took us hours to find them and get them off the river!

By the end of the weekend our tadpoles had all four legs.


Katie said...

If you worked in a career in the school systems you'd spend your break recovering from the kids you're around everyday!jj ;) This way it makes the time with your kids that much more sweet! It looks like you guys had an awesome time. I love lazy creek days!

Katie said...
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Lisa said...

Beautiful pictures! The river pictures makes me want to go canoeing.